
This index is a unified index for this book and The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition (TSPL4). Page numbers prefixed by "t" refer the latter document. Italicized page numbers refer to the primary description of a syntactic form or procedure.

All page numbers appearing here refer to the printed version of these books and also serve as hypertext links to the corresponding locations in the electronic versions of these books.

! (exclamation point), t8
" (double quote), t216
#!r6rs, t456
#n# (graph reference), 3, 253
#% ($primitive), 3, 358
#2% ($primitive), 358
#3% ($primitive), 358
#& (box prefix), 3, 150
#' (syntax), t300
#( (vector prefix), 3
#n( (vector prefix), 3
#, (unsyntax), t305
#,@ (unsyntax-splicing), t305
#: (gensym prefix), 2, 152, 153, 255
#; (datum comment), t455
#n= (graph mark), 3, 253
#[ (record prefix), 3
#\, t211
#\alarm, 3
#\backspace, 3
#\bel, 3
#\delete, 3
#\esc, 3
#\linefeed, 3
#\ls, 3
#\nel, 3
#\newline, 3
#\nul, 3
#\page, 3
#\return, 3
#\rubout, 3
#{ (gensym prefix), 2, 152, 153, 255
#\space, 3
#\tab, 3
#\vt, 3
#` (quasisyntax), t305
#|...|# (block comment), t455
#b (binary), t169
#d (decimal), t169
#f, t7, t36, t143
#false, 3
#o (octal), t169
#nr (radix prefix), 3
#t, t7, t36, t143
#true, 3
#x (hexadecimal), t169
$primitive#% ), 358
$primitive#2% ), 358
$primitive#3% ), 358
$system, 311
$system module, 311
&assertion, t366
&condition, t362
&continuation, 327
&error, t367
&format, 326
&i/o, t371
&i/o-decoding, t375
&i/o-encoding, t376
&i/o-file-already-exists, t374
&i/o-file-does-not-exist, t374
&i/o-file-is-read-only, t374
&i/o-file-protection, t373
&i/o-filename, t373
&i/o-invalid-position, t372
&i/o-port, t375
&i/o-read, t372
&i/o-write, t372
&implementation-restriction, t369
&irritants, t368
&lexical, t370
&message, t368
&no-infinities, t376
&no-nans, t377
&non-continuable, t369
&serious, t366
&source, 326
&syntax, t370
&undefined, t371
&violation, t366
&warning, t367
&who, t369
' (quote), t17, t22, t59, t141
(), t7, t19
(chezscheme csv7) library, 276
(chezscheme) library, 276
(scheme csv7) library, 276
(scheme) library, 276
*, t16, t172
+, t16, t171
, (unquote), t142
,@ (unquote-splicing), t142
-, t16, t172
-- command-line option, 30
--boot command-line option, 30, 347
--compact command-line option, 30
--compile-imported-libraries command-line option, 30, 288
--debug-on-exception command-line option, 10, 30, 41, 328, 328
--eedisable command-line-option, 30
--eehistory command-line-option, 30, 422
--enable-object-counts command-line-option, 30
--heap command-line option, 30
--help command-line option, 30
--import-notify command-line option, 18, 30
--libdirs command-line option, 21, 30, 288
--libexts command-line option, 21, 30, 288
--optimize-level command-line option, 23, 30, 357
--program command-line option, 10, 21, 30, 41, 277, 343, 358, 378
--quiet command-line option, 30
--retain-static-relocation command-line option, 30, 53, 54
--saveheap command-line option, 30
--script command-line option, 10, 20, 30, 41, 342, 378, 379
--verbose command-line option, 30
--version command-line option, 30
->, t8
-1+, 209
-b command-line option, 30, 347
-c command-line option, 30
-h command-line option, 30
-q command-line option, 30
-s command-line option, 30
. (dot), t19, t460
... (ellipses), 254, 441
... (ellipsis), t61, t294, t297
/, t16, t172
; (comment), t7, t455
<, 208, t170
<=, 208, t170
=, 208, t170
=>, t111, t112
>, 208, t170
>=, 208, t170
? (question mark), t8, t37
[, 247
], 247
_ (underscore), t61, t296, t315
_ (underscore), t294, t297
` (quasiquote), t142
1+, 209
1-, 209
abort, 377
abort-handler, 377
abs, t34, t178, t183
abstract objects, t53, t408
acos, t185
acosh, 212
actual parameters, t27, t92
add-duration, 383
add-duration!, 383
add-prefix, 310
add1, 209
Algol 60, t6
alias, 113, 310, 314
and, 442, t37, t62, t110
andmap, 125, 443
angle, t183
annotation-expression, 317
annotation-option-set, 320
annotation-options, 318
annotation-source, 318
annotation-stripped, 318
annotation?, 317
annotations, 315
append, t46, t160
append!, 137
applications, 24
apply, t107
apropos, 335
apropos-list, 335
arbitrary precision, t167
ash, 204
asin, t185
asinh, 212
assert, t359
assertion-violation, t358
assertion-violation?, t366
assertion-violationf, 326
assignable variables, 41
assignment, t102
assignments, 116, 118, t47, t102
assoc, t165
association list, t165, t166, t243, t404
assp, t166
assq, t165
assv, t165
atan, t185
atanh, 212
atom?, 133, t41
auxiliary keywords, 17, t61, t294
base case, t41
base-exception-handler, 11, 328
be-like-begin, t313
begin, 113, t51, t60, t101, t108
bignum, 189, 190
bignum?, 190
binary port, t257
binary trees, t155
binary-port-input-buffer, 219
binary-port-input-count, 220
binary-port-input-index, 219
binary-port-input-size, 219
binary-port-output-buffer, 221
binary-port-output-count, 222
binary-port-output-index, 221
binary-port-output-size, 221
binary-port?, t270
binding, t4
bitwise-and, t186
bitwise-arithmetic-shift, t190
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left, t189
bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right, t189
bitwise-bit-count, t187
bitwise-bit-field, t189
bitwise-bit-set?, t188
bitwise-copy-bit, t188
bitwise-copy-bit-field, t189
bitwise-first-bit-set, t187
bitwise-if, t186
bitwise-ior, t186
bitwise-length, t187
bitwise-not, t186
bitwise-reverse-bit-field, t191
bitwise-rotate-bit-field, t190
bitwise-xor, t186
block buffering, t258
block comment ( #|...|# ), t455
block profiling, 364
block structure, t4
block-read, 235
block-write, 242
boolean, 63, 66
boolean syntax, t457
boolean values, t7
boolean=?, t243
boolean?, t150
boot files, 28, 30
bound-identifier=?, t302
box, 151
box-cas!, 151
box-immutable, 150, 152
box?, 150
boxes, 150
brackets ( [ ] ), t7, t155
break, 329, t308
break-handler, 330
broadcast streams, 213
buffer modes, t258
buffer-mode, t261
buffer-mode?, t262
bwp-object?, 408
bytes-allocated, 389
bytes-deallocated, 389
bytevector, 147
bytevector syntax, t461
bytevector->immutable-bytevector, 147, 149
bytevector->s8-list, 147
bytevector->sint-list, t238
bytevector->string, t286
bytevector->u8-list, t232
bytevector->uint-list, t238
bytevector-compress, 150
bytevector-copy, t229
bytevector-copy!, t230
bytevector-fill!, t229
bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref, t239
bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!, t239
bytevector-ieee-double-ref, t240
bytevector-ieee-double-set!, t240
bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref, t239
bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!, t239
bytevector-ieee-single-ref, t240
bytevector-ieee-single-set!, t240
bytevector-length, t229
bytevector-s16-native-ref, t232
bytevector-s16-native-set!, t233
bytevector-s16-ref, t235
bytevector-s16-set!, t236
bytevector-s24-ref, 148
bytevector-s24-set!, 149
bytevector-s32-native-ref, t232
bytevector-s32-native-set!, t233
bytevector-s32-ref, t235
bytevector-s32-set!, t236
bytevector-s40-ref, 148
bytevector-s40-set!, 149
bytevector-s48-ref, 148
bytevector-s48-set!, 149
bytevector-s56-ref, 148
bytevector-s56-set!, 149
bytevector-s64-native-ref, t232
bytevector-s64-native-set!, t233
bytevector-s64-ref, t235
bytevector-s64-set!, t236
bytevector-s8-ref, t231
bytevector-s8-set!, t231
bytevector-sint-ref, t237
bytevector-sint-set!, t238
bytevector-truncate!, 148
bytevector-u16-native-ref, t232
bytevector-u16-native-set!, t233
bytevector-u16-ref, t235
bytevector-u16-set!, t236
bytevector-u24-ref, 148
bytevector-u24-set!, 149
bytevector-u32-native-ref, t232
bytevector-u32-native-set!, t233
bytevector-u32-ref, t235
bytevector-u32-set!, t236
bytevector-u40-ref, 148
bytevector-u40-set!, 149
bytevector-u48-ref, 148
bytevector-u48-set!, 149
bytevector-u56-ref, 148
bytevector-u56-set!, 149
bytevector-u64-native-ref, t232
bytevector-u64-native-set!, t233
bytevector-u64-ref, t235
bytevector-u64-set!, t236
bytevector-u8-ref, t230
bytevector-u8-set!, t231
bytevector-uint-ref, t237
bytevector-uint-set!, t238
bytevector-uncompress, 150
bytevector=?, t229
bytevector?, t155
C, t393
C (programming language), 57, 59, 91, 93, 94
C preprocessor macros, 94
C-callable library functions, 94
caaaar, t157
caaadr, t157
caaar, t157
caadar, t157
caaddr, t157
caadr, t157
caar, t157
caar, cadr, ..., cddddr, t34
cadaar, t157
cadadr, t157
cadar, t157
caddar, t157
cadddr, t157
caddr, t157
cadr, t31, t32, t34, t157
café, 374
call-by-name, t408
call-by-reference, 150
call-by-value, t407
call-with-bytevector-output-port, t266
call-with-current-continuation, t123, t426
call-with-input-file, 231, t281
call-with-output-file, 240, t282
call-with-port, t272
call-with-string-output-port, t267
call-with-values, t130, t131
call/1cc, 126
call/cc, t74, t122, t123, t126, t133, t425, t426
car, t18, t155, t156
case, 123, t55, t113, t306
case-lambda, 34, 395, t94
case-sensitive, 253
cd, 260
cdaaar, t157
cdaadr, t157
cdaar, t157
cdadar, t157
cdaddr, t157
cdadr, t157
cdar, t157
cddaar, t157
cddadr, t157
cddar, t157
cdddar, t157
cddddr, t157
cdddr, t157
cddr, t31, t34, t157
cdr, t18, t38, t155, t156
ceiling, t177
cfl*, 198
cfl+, 198
cfl-, 198
cfl-conjugate, 199
cfl-imag-part, 198
cfl-magnitude-squared, 199
cfl-real-part, 198
cfl/, 198
cfl=, 198
cflonum, 190
cflonum?, 191
cflonums, 198
char, 63, 66
char-, 138
char->integer, t215
char-alphabetic?, t213
char-ci<=?, 138, t212
char-ci<?, 138, t212
char-ci=?, 138, t212
char-ci>=?, 138, t212
char-ci>?, 138, t212
char-downcase, t214
char-foldcase, t215
char-general-category, t214
char-lower-case?, t213
char-name, 137, 251
char-numeric?, t213
char-ready?, 235
char-title-case?, t213
char-titlecase, t214
char-upcase, t214
char-upper-case?, t213
char-whitespace?, t213
char<=?, 138, t212
char<?, 138, t212
char=?, 138, t212
char>=?, 138, t212
char>?, 138, t212
char?, t154
character syntax, t457
characters, t211
Chez Scheme, tix, t42
child type, t325
chmod, 263
circular lists, t156
clear-input-port, 226
clear-output-port, 226
close-input-port, t285
close-output-port, t285
close-port, t270
codec, t257
collect, 401, 402
collect-generation-radix, 402, 404
collect-maximum-generation, 401, 404
collect-notify, 403
collect-rendezvous, 403
collect-request-handler, 401, 404, 412
collect-trip-bytes, 401, 403
collections, 390
command-line, 378, 379, t350
command-line options, 30
command-line-arguments, 378, 379
comments, t7, t455
Common Lisp, t6
commonization-level, 363
compilation, 341
compile, 336, 337, 359
compile-file, 10, 26, 341, 357
compile-file-message, 360
compile-imported-libraries, 18, 19, 288
compile-interpret-simple, 359
compile-library, 19, 23, 26, 339, 342
compile-library-handler, 343
compile-port, 345
compile-profile, 365, 368
compile-program, 19, 23, 25, 26, 278, 339, 342
compile-program-handler, 344
compile-script, 21, 25, 342
compile-time-value-value, 302
compile-time-value?, 302
compile-to-file, 343, 344, 346
compile-to-port, 346
compile-whole-library, 339, 345
compile-whole-program, 28, 339, 344, 360
compiler, t4
complete, see engines
complex numbers, 197, t167, t412
complex?, t151, t167
compose, t34
compound condition, t362
compress-format, 150, 216, 227, 239, 260
compress-level, 150, 216, 227, 239, 260
compute-composition, 55
compute-size, 42, 54
concatenate-object-files, 347
concatenated streams, 213
cond, 442, t39, t44, t111, t304
condition, t362
condition object, t361
condition type, t361
condition-accessor, t365
condition-broadcast, 430
condition-continuation, 327
condition-irritants, t368
condition-message, t368
condition-name, 431
condition-predicate, t365
condition-signal, 430
condition-wait, 430
condition-who, t369
condition?, t362
conditionals, t109
conditions, t357
conjugate, 199, 211
cons, t19, t156
cons cell, t155
cons*, t158
consing, t19
console-error-port, 238
console-input-port, 230, 375
console-output-port, 238, 375
constant, t141
constants, t21, t141
constructor, 178
continuation-condition?, 327
continuation-passing style, t78, t418
continuations, t5, t73, t124, t421
control structures, t107
copy propagation, 22
copy-environment, 334
copy-time, 383
core syntactic forms, t4, t22, t59, t404
cos, t185
cosh, 211
cost-center-allocation-count, 394
cost-center-instruction-count, 394
cost-center-time, 394
cost-center?, 393
cp0-effort-limit, 360
cp0-outer-unroll-limit, 360
cp0-score-limit, 360
CPS, t78
cpu-time, 388
create-exception-state, 329
creating subprocesses, 57
critical-section, 331
current exception handler, t357
current-date, 384
current-directory, 260
current-error-port, 238, t263
current-eval, 336
current-exception-state, 328
current-expand, 349
current-input-port, 230, t263
current-locate-source-object-source, 321
current-make-source-object, 319
current-memory-bytes, 389
current-output-port, 238, t263
current-time, 381
current-transcoder, 218
custom-port-buffer-size, 230
customization, 24
cyclic lists, t56
d (double), t169
data, t141
date->time-utc, 387
date-and-time, 387
date-day, 385
date-dst?, 386
date-hour, 385
date-minute, 385
date-month, 385
date-nanosecond, 385
date-second, 385
date-week-day, 386
date-year, 385
date-year-day, 386
date-zone-name, 386
date-zone-offset, 385
date?, 385
datum, 297
datum comment ( #; ), t455
datum syntax, t455, t456
datum->syntax, 449, t308, t317, t320
datum->syntax-object, 297
debug, 41
debug-condition, 328
debug-level, 358
debug-on-exception, 10, 328
debugger, 329, 330
decode-float, 197
default protocol, t327
default-exception-handler, 327
default-library-search-handler, 289
default-prompt-and-read, 376
default-record-equal-procedure, 168, 171
default-record-hash-procedure, 168, 171
define, 113, 117, t30, t81, t100
define-condition-type, t364
define-enumeration, t250
define-ftype, 77
define-integrable, 294, t315
define-object, t408
define-property, 302
define-record, 171, 174
define-record-type, 167, t323, t328
define-structure, 447, t318
define-syntax, 113, 119, t61, t291, t292, t389
define-top-level-syntax, 119
define-top-level-value, 117
define-values, 114
defining syntactic extensions, t60
definitions, 113
defun syntax, t33, t60
delay, t128
delayed evaluation, t408
delete-directory, 262
delete-file, 262, t286
delq!, t54
denominator, t181
describe-segment, t132
directory-list, 260
directory-separator, 263
directory-separator?, 263
disable-interrupts, 331, 403
display, t285, t397
display-condition, 327
display-statistics, 388
display-string, 242
distributing applications, 24
div, t175
div-and-mod, t175
div0, t176
div0-and-mod0, t176
divisors, t115, t116
do, 35, t115, t312
dot ( . ), t19, t460
dotted pair, t20, t155
double, 63, 64, 66, t27, t33
double quotes, t216
double-any, t30
double-cons, t27, t33
double-float, 61, 64, 65
doubler, t33
doubly recursive, t70
drop-prefix, 310
dxdy, t131
dynamic allocation, t3
dynamic-wind, 127, t124
echo streams, 213
ee-accept, 423
ee-auto-indent, 415, 418
ee-auto-paren-balance, 416, 418
ee-backward-char, 418
ee-backward-delete-char, 420
ee-backward-delete-sexp, 421
ee-backward-page, 420
ee-backward-sexp, 420
ee-backward-word, 420
ee-beginning-of-entry, 419
ee-beginning-of-line, 419
ee-bind-key, 417
ee-command-repeat, 424
ee-common-identifiers, 416, 422
ee-compose, 417, 425
ee-default-repeat, 416, 424
ee-delete-between-point-and-mark, 421
ee-delete-char, 420
ee-delete-entry, 421
ee-delete-line, 420
ee-delete-sexp, 421
ee-delete-to-eol, 421
ee-end-of-entry, 419
ee-end-of-line, 419
ee-eof, 423
ee-eof/delete-char, 424
ee-exchange-point-and-mark, 419
ee-flash-matching-delimiter, 419
ee-flash-parens, 416, 418
ee-forward-char, 418
ee-forward-page, 420
ee-forward-sexp, 420
ee-forward-word, 420
ee-goto-matching-delimiter, 419
ee-history-bwd, 419, 422
ee-history-bwd-contains, 423
ee-history-bwd-prefix, 422
ee-history-fwd, 419, 422
ee-history-fwd-contains, 423
ee-history-fwd-prefix, 422
ee-history-limit, 416
ee-id-completion, 421
ee-id-completion/indent, 421, 424
ee-indent, 423
ee-indent-all, 423
ee-insert-paren, 418
ee-insert-self, 417
ee-newline, 418
ee-newline/accept, 424
ee-next-id-completion, 422
ee-next-id-completion/indent, 422, 424
ee-next-line, 419
ee-noisy, 416
ee-open-line, 418
ee-paren-flash-delay, 416, 418, 419
ee-previous-line, 419
ee-redisplay, 423
ee-reset-entry, 421
ee-set-mark, 424
ee-standard-indent, 415
ee-string-macro, 417, 425
ee-suspend-process, 424
ee-yank-kill-buffer, 418
ee-yank-selection, 418
ellipses ( ... ), 254, 441
ellipsis ( ... ), t61, t294
else, 123, 124, t111, t112, t113
empty list, t7, t19
enable-cross-library-optimization, 360
enable-interrupts, 331
enable-object-counts, 392
endianness, t228
engine-block, 131
engine-return, 132
engines, 127, 128, t421
enum-set->list, t252
enum-set-complement, t254
enum-set-constructor, t251
enum-set-difference, t253
enum-set-indexer, t254
enum-set-intersection, t253
enum-set-member?, t253
enum-set-projection, t254
enum-set-subset?, t252
enum-set-union, t253
enum-set-universe, t252
enum-set=?, t252
enum-set?, 133
enumerate, 135
environment, t137
environment, t404
environment-mutable?, 333
environment-symbols, 335
environment?, 333
eof object, t257
eof-object, t273
eof-object?, t257, t273
eol style, t257
eol-style, t259
ephemeron pairs, 405
ephemeron-cons, 407
ephemeron-pair?, 408
eq-hashtable-cell, 164
eq-hashtable-contains?, 163
eq-hashtable-delete!, 164
eq-hashtable-ephemeron?, 162
eq-hashtable-ref, 162
eq-hashtable-set!, 162
eq-hashtable-update!, 163
eq-hashtable-weak?, 162
eq-hashtable?, 162
eq?, t143
equal-hash, 168, t245
equal-hash on records, 168
equal?, 168, t148
equal? on records, 168
equivalence predicates, t143
eqv?, t38, t146
error, t358
error handling mode, t258
error-handling-mode, t260
error?, t367
errorf, 326
eval, 336, t136
eval-syntax-expanders-when, 355
eval-when, 351, 357
even?, t47, t66, t81, t174
exact, 195, t180
exact complexnum, 189
exact->inexact, t181
exact-integer-sqrt, t184
exact?, t167, t170
exactness, t167, t180
exactness preserving, t167
except, 310
except import set, t346
exception handling, 325
exceptions, 4, t9, t357
exclamation point ( ! ), t8
exclusive-cond, 123
exists, t119
exit, 377, t350
exit-handler, 377
exp, t184
expand, 349, 363, 375
expand-output, 349, 363
expand-time generativity, 173
expand/optimize, 350, 361, 363
expand/optimize-output, 351, 363
expansion, t59
expire, see engines
export, 284, t345
export level, t345
expression-editor, 415
expressions, t7
expt, t179
expt-mod, 209
extend-syntax, 441
extended examples, t381
f (single), t169
factor, t71, t72, t73
factorial, t68, t75, t116
false, t7, t36
fasl-compressed, 260
fasl-file, 260
fasl-read, 259
fasl-strip-options, 348
fasl-write, 258
fast Fourier transform (FFT), t412
fast loading format, 258
fenders, 441, 443, t299, t301
fibonacci, 128, t69, t102, t116, t422
Fibonacci numbers, t69, t102
fields, t331
file, t257
file-access-time, 261
file-buffer-size, 229
file-change-time, 261
file-directory?, 261
file-exists?, 261, t286
file-length, 224
file-modification-time, 261
file-options, t261
file-port?, 229
file-position, 225
file-regular?, 261
file-symbolic-link?, 261
filter, t164
find, t165
finite?, t174
first-class data values, t3
first-class procedures, t5
fixnum, 63
fixnum, 189, 190, t192
fixnum->flonum, t211
fixnum-width, t193
fixnum?, t193
fl*, t207
fl+, t206
fl-, t206
fl-make-rectangular, 198
fl/, t207
fl<, 195
fl<=, 195
fl<=?, t203
fl<?, t203
fl=, 195
fl=?, t203
fl>, 195
fl>=, 195
fl>=?, t203
fl>?, t203
flabs, t209
flacos, t210
flasin, t210
flatan, t210
flceiling, t208
flcos, t210
fldenominator, t209
fldiv, t207
fldiv-and-mod, t207
fldiv0, t208
fldiv0-and-mod0, t208
fleven?, t205
flexp, t209
flexpt, t210
flfinite?, t205
flfloor, t208
flinfinite?, t205
flinteger?, t204
flip-flop, t102
fllog, t209
fllp, 197
flmax, t205
flmin, t205
flmod, t207
flmod0, t208
flnan?, t205
flnegative?, t204
flnonnegative?, 196
flnonpositive?, 196
flnumerator, t209
float, 63, 64, 66
floating point, t167
flodd?, t205
flonum, 189, 190, t202
flonum->fixnum, 195
flonum?, t203
floor, t177
flpositive?, t204
flround, t208
flsin, t210
flsqrt, t210
fltan, t210
fltruncate, t208
fluid binding, 116, t125
fluid-let, 116
fluid-let-syntax, 293, 295
flush-output-port, 226, t280
flzero?, t204
fold-left, t120
fold-right, t121
folding, t120, t121
for-all, t119
for-each, t118
force, t128
foreign entry, 59
foreign types, 77
foreign-address-name, 90
foreign-alloc, 74
foreign-callable, 70, 82
foreign-callable-code-object, 73
foreign-callable-entry-point, 70, 73
foreign-entry, 90
foreign-entry?, 90, 93
foreign-free, 74
foreign-procedure, 59, 69, 87
foreign-procedure interface, 59
foreign-ref, 75
foreign-set!, 76
foreign-sizeof, 77
fork-thread, 428
formal parameters, t26, t29, t92
format, 249, 445
format-condition?, 326
formatted error messages, 326
formatted output, 249, t401
fprintf, 251, t401
Fred, 156
free variable, t28
free-identifier=?, 17, t302
frequency, t393
fresh-line, 243
ftype, 64, 68
ftype subtyping, 81
ftype-&ref, 84
ftype-guardian, 412, 413, 433
ftype-init-lock!, 432
ftype-lock!, 432
ftype-locked-decr!, 433, 434
ftype-locked-incr!, 433, 434
ftype-pointer->sexpr, 88
ftype-pointer-address, 84
ftype-pointer-ftype, 88
ftype-pointer-null?, 84
ftype-pointer=?, 84
ftype-pointer?, 83
ftype-ref, 86
ftype-set!, 86
ftype-sizeof, 81
ftype-spin-lock!, 432
ftype-unlock!, 432
ftypes, 77
function ftype, 77, 82, 83, 87
fx*, 193, t195
fx*/carry, t197
fx+, 192, t195
fx+/carry, t197
fx-, 193, t195
fx-/carry, t197
fx/, 193
fx<, 191
fx<=, 191
fx<=?, t193
fx<?, t193
fx=, 191
fx=?, t193
fx>, 191
fx>=, 191
fx>=?, t193
fx>?, t193
fx1+, 193
fx1-, 193
fxabs, 194
fxand, t197
fxarithmetic-shift, t201
fxarithmetic-shift-left, t201
fxarithmetic-shift-right, t201
fxbit-count, t198
fxbit-field, t200
fxbit-set?, t199
fxcopy-bit, t200
fxcopy-bit-field, t200
fxdiv, t196
fxdiv-and-mod, t196
fxdiv0, t196
fxdiv0-and-mod0, t196
fxeven?, t194
fxfirst-bit-set, t199
fxif, t198
fxior, t197
fxlength, t198
fxlogand, 204
fxlogbit?, 205
fxlogbit0, 206
fxlogbit1, 207
fxlogior, 204
fxlognot, 205
fxlogor, 204
fxlogtest, 206
fxlogxor, 205
fxmax, t195
fxmin, t195
fxmod, t196
fxmod0, t196
fxmodulo, 194
fxnegative?, t194
fxnonnegative?, 192
fxnonpositive?, 192
fxnot, t197
fxodd?, t194
fxpositive?, t194
fxquotient, 194
fxremainder, 194
fxreverse-bit-field, t202
fxrotate-bit-field, t201
fxsll, 207
fxsra, 207
fxsrl, 207
fxvector, 144
fxvector->immutable-fxvector, 143, 146
fxvector->list, 145
fxvector-copy, 146
fxvector-fill!, 145
fxvector-length, 144
fxvector-ref, 144
fxvector-set!, 145
fxvector?, 143
fxvectors, 143
fxxor, t197
fxzero?, t194
garbage collector, 401, t3
gcd, t179
generate-allocation-counts, 393
generate-covin-files, 321, 364, 369
generate-inspector-information, 26, 359
generate-instruction-counts, 393
generate-interrupt-trap, 358
generate-procedure-source-information, 359
generate-profile-forms, 369
generate-temporaries, t310
generate-wpo-files, 345, 360
generated symbols, 153
generative, t324
generativity of record definitions, 173
generic port, 213, 219
gensym, 153, 154, 255, 444
gensym->unique-string, 154
gensym-count, 154
gensym-prefix, 154
gensym?, 154
gensyms, 153
get-bytevector-all, t275
get-bytevector-n, t274
get-bytevector-n!, t274
get-bytevector-some, t275
get-bytevector-some!, 233
get-char, t275
get-datum, t278
get-datum/annotations, 316, 320
get-hash-table, 440
get-line, t277
get-mode, 263
get-output-string, 228
get-process-id, 399, 428
get-property, 303
get-registry, 399
get-source-table!, 321, 323, 369
get-string-all, t277
get-string-n, t276
get-string-n!, t276
get-string-some, 232
get-string-some!, 233
get-thread-id, 428
get-u8, t274
getenv, 399
getprop, 155
getq, t54
goodbye, t41
greatest-fixnum, t193
guard, t361
guardian?, 412, 433
guardians, 405
half, 33
hare and tortoise, t56, t66
hash-table-for-each, 440
hash-table-map, 440
hash-table?, 439
hashtable-cell, 158
hashtable-cells, 160
hashtable-clear!, t249
hashtable-contains?, t246
hashtable-copy, t248
hashtable-delete!, t248
hashtable-entries, 160, t250
hashtable-ephemeron?, 161
hashtable-equivalence-function, t245
hashtable-hash-function, t245
hashtable-keys, 159, t249
hashtable-mutable?, t245
hashtable-ref, t246
hashtable-set!, t246
hashtable-size, t248
hashtable-update!, t247
hashtable-values, 159
hashtable-weak?, 161
hashtable?, t155
hashtables, t243
heap files, 30
heap-reserve-ratio, 405
i/o-decoding-error?, t375
i/o-encoding-error-char, t376
i/o-encoding-error?, t376
i/o-error-filename, t373
i/o-error-port, t375
i/o-error-position, t372
i/o-error?, t371
i/o-file-already-exists-error?, t374
i/o-file-does-not-exist-error?, t374
i/o-file-is-read-only-error?, t374
i/o-file-protection-error?, t373
i/o-filename-error?, t373
i/o-invalid-position-error?, t372
i/o-port-error?, t375
i/o-read-error?, t372
i/o-write-error?, t372
iconv-codec, 218, 244
identifier-syntax, t291, t297, t307, t316, t317
identifier?, t301
identifiers, t6
ieee, 311
ieee module, 311
ieee-environment, 311, 333
if, t35, t36, t39, t51, t59, t109
imag-part, t182
imaginary numbers, 197
immutability of exports, t349
immutable, t331
immutable, 178
immutable boxes, 150, 152
immutable bytevectors, 146, 149
immutable fxvectors, 143, 146
immutable strings, 139, 141
immutable vectors, 141, 143
immutable-box?, 152
immutable-bytevector?, 149
immutable-fxvector?, 146
immutable-string?, 141
immutable-vector?, 142
implementation-restriction-violation?, t369
implicit begin, t109
implicit-exports, 286
import, 113, 275, 280, 287, t345
import level, t345
import spec, t345, t346
import-notify, 18, 289
import-only, 113, 280
improper list, t19, t155
include, 288, 298, t309
indirect exports, t349
indirect-export, 285
inexact, t180
inexact complexnum, 189
inexact->exact, t181
inexact?, t167, t170
infinite?, t174
inheritance, t412
inheritance in records, 173, 175, t325
initial-bytes-allocated, 389
inlining, 22
input port, t257
input-port-ready?, 58, 235
input-port?, t270
inspect, 42
inspect/object, 47
inspector, 41
int, 62, 65
integer->char, t215
integer-16, 61, 65
integer-32, 61, 65
integer-64, 61, 65
integer-8, 61, 65
integer-divide, t79
integer-length, 210
integer-valued?, t153
integer?, t151, t167
integers, t167
integrable procedures, 294, t315
interaction environment, 14
interaction-environment, 15, 334
interactive top level, 14
interactive?, 398
internal definitions, t81, t92
internal state, t49
internal-defines-as-letrec*, 114
interpret, 336, 337, t404
interpreter, t4, t404
interrupts, 329
intraline whitespace, t455
invoke-library, 287
iota, 135
iptr, 62, 66
irritants-condition?, t368
isqrt, 210
iteration, t5, t45, t68, t114, t115, t117, t118, t120, t121, t122
kernel, 24
keyboard-interrupt-handler, 330
keyword definition, 113
keywords, t4, t61, t291
l (long), t169
lambda, 33, t26, t29, t59, t92, t93
lambda*, t94
last-pair, 134
latin-1, t257
latin-1-codec, t259
lazy, t51
lazy evaluation, t51, t127
lcm, t179
least-fixnum, t193
length, t42, t159
let, 34, 442, t23, t28, t65, t95, t114
let*, 442, t64, t96
let*-values, t99, t134
let-bound variables, t23
let-syntax, 113, t291, t293, t314
let-values, t99, t134, t310
letrec, t65, t81, t97, t310
letrec*, t98
letrec-syntax, 113, t291, t293, t314
lexical scoping, t4, t5, t25, t63
lexical-violation?, t370
libraries, 17, 22, 275, t343
library, 278
library body, t348
library version, t344
library version reference, t347
library-directories, 18, 21, 288, 339
library-exports, 290
library-extensions, 18, 21, 288
library-list, 290
library-object-filename, 20, 290
library-requirements, 20, 290
library-requirements-options, 291
library-search-handler, 289
library-version, 290
light-weight threads, t421
line buffering, t258
line ending, t455
Lisp, tix, t6
lisp-cdr, t38
list, t20, t31, t32, t158
list constants, t7
list syntax, t460
list*, 135
list->fxvector, 145
list->string, t223
list->vector, t226
list-copy, 134, t43
list-head, 134
list-ref, t159
list-sort, t167, t387
list-tail, t160
list?, t56, t66, t67, t81, t158
lists, t17, t18, t155
literal-identifier=?, 300
literals, 295, t294
load, 10, 113, 337, 341, t13
load-compiled-from-port, 339
load-library, 278, 338
load-program, 277, 287, 338
load-shared-object, 91
local variable bindings, t95
locate-source, 320
locate-source-object-source, 321
lock-object, 71, 101, 413
locked-object?, 414
LOCKED_INCR, 105, 434
locks, 431
log, t184
logand, 200
logbit?, 201
logbit0, 203
logbit1, 203
logior, 200
lognot, 201
logor, 200
logtest, 202
logxor, 201
long, 62, 66
long-long, 62, 66
lookahead-char, t275
lookahead-u8, t274
loop, t308
looping, t5
machine-type, 349
macros, t291
magnitude, 199, t178, t183
magnitude-squared, 199, 211
main.c, 24
make-annotation, 315, 317
make-assertion-violation, t366
make-boot-file, 29, 347
make-boot-header, 347
make-bytevector, t228
make-compile-time-value, 300
make-condition, 430
make-continuation-condition, 327
make-cost-center, 393
make-counter, t50, t54
make-custom-binary-input-port, t267
make-custom-binary-input/output-port, t267
make-custom-binary-output-port, t267
make-custom-textual-input-port, t268
make-custom-textual-input/output-port, t268
make-custom-textual-output-port, t268
make-date, 384
make-engine, 127
make-enumeration, t251
make-ephemeron-eq-hashtable, 161
make-ephemeron-eqv-hashtable, 161
make-eq-hashtable, t243
make-eqv-hashtable, t244
make-error, t367
make-format-condition, 326
make-ftype-pointer, 82
make-fxvector, 144
make-guardian, 408, 433
make-hash-table, 439
make-hashtable, t244
make-i/o-decoding-error, t375
make-i/o-encoding-error, t376
make-i/o-error, t371
make-i/o-file-already-exists-error, t374
make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error, t374
make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error, t374
make-i/o-file-protection-error, t373
make-i/o-filename-error, t373
make-i/o-invalid-position-error, t372
make-i/o-port-error, t375
make-i/o-read-error, t372
make-i/o-write-error, t372
make-implementation-restriction-violation, t369
make-input-port, 219
make-input/output-port, 219
make-irritants-condition, t368
make-lexical-violation, t370
make-list, 135, t46, t94
make-message-condition, t368
make-mutex, 428
make-no-infinities-violation, t376
make-no-nans-violation, t377
make-non-continuable-violation, t369
make-object-finder, 42, 53
make-output-port, 219
make-parameter, 394
make-pare, 447
make-polar, t183
make-promise, t129
make-queue, t54
make-record-constructor-descriptor, t332
make-record-type, 171, 182
make-record-type-descriptor, t323, t331
make-rectangular, t182
make-serious-condition, t366
make-source-condition, 326
make-source-file-descriptor, 316, 319
make-source-object, 315, 318
make-source-table, 322
make-sstats, 390
make-stack, t52, t55
make-string, t218
make-syntax-violation, t370
make-thread-parameter, 435
make-time, 381
make-transcoder, t259
make-undefined-violation, t371
make-variable-transformer, t291, t298, t306
make-vector, t224
make-violation, t366
make-warning, t367
make-weak-eq-hashtable, 160
make-weak-eqv-hashtable, 160
make-who-condition, t369
map, t45, t47, t117, t392
map1, t46
mapping, t45, t117, t118, t121, t122
mark-port-closed!, 222
matrix multiplication, t381
max, t178
maximum-memory-bytes, 389
maybe-compile-file, 343
maybe-compile-library, 343
maybe-compile-program, 343
member, t161
memp, t163
memq, t161
memv, t43, t161
merge, 158, t387
merge!, 158
message-condition?, t368
messages, t52, t408
meta, 113, 312
meta-circular interpreter, t404
meta-cond, 313
method, t317
min, t178
mkdir, 262
mod, t175
mod0, t176
module, 113, 305
modules, 113, 305
modulo, t175
most-negative-fixnum, 191
most-positive-fixnum, 191
mul, t382
multibyte->string, 244
multiple values, t9
multiprocessing, 127, t421
mutable, t331
mutable, 178
mutable boxes, 150, 152
mutable bytevectors, 146, 149
mutable fxvectors, 143, 146
mutable strings, 139, 141
mutable vectors, 141, 143
mutable-box?, 152
mutable-bytevector?, 149
mutable-fxvector?, 146
mutable-string?, 141
mutable-vector?, 142
mutex-acquire, 429
mutex-name, 429
mutex-release, 429
mutex?, 428
mutually recursive procedures, t66, t97
mvlet, 351
named let, t67, t71, t114
naming conventions, t8
nan?, t174
native-endianness, t228
native-eol-style, t260
native-transcoder, t259
negative?, t173
nested engines, t429
nested let expressions, t96
new-cafe, 374
newline, t285
no-infinities-violation?, t376
no-nans-violation?, t377
nodups?, 351
non-continuable-violation?, t369
nondeterministic computations, 127, 130, t421, t424
nongenerative, t331
nongenerative, t324
nongenerative record definitions, 173, 178
nonlocal exits, t123, t124
nonnegative?, 211
nonpositive?, 210
not, t36, t110
null-environment, 311, t137
null?, t37, t151
number syntax, t459
number->string, 212, t191
number?, t38, t151
numbers, t16, t167
numerator, t181
object identity, t144
object->string, t267
object-counts, 54, 392
object-oriented programming, t317, t408
objects, t3
oblist, 156
occur free, t28, t30
octet, t257
odd?, t47, t66, t81, t174
one-shot continuations, 126
only, 310
only import set, t346
opaque, t331
opaque record type, t330, t336
open-bytevector-input-port, t264
open-bytevector-output-port, t265
open-fd-input-port, 232
open-fd-input/output-port, 244
open-fd-output-port, 241
open-file-input-port, t262
open-file-input/output-port, t263
open-file-output-port, t262
open-input-file, 230, t280
open-input-output-file, 243
open-input-string, 228
open-output-file, 239, t281
open-output-string, 228
open-process-ports, 58
open-source-file, 317, 320
open-string-input-port, t265
open-string-output-port, t266
operating system, 130, t423, t429
operations on objects, t141
operator precedence, t16
optimization, 22
optimize-level, 23, 357
optional arguments, t93
or, t36, t63, t110
order of evaluation, t22, t107
ordinals, 183
ormap, 125
output port, t257
output-port-buffer-mode, t273
output-port?, t270
pair?, t38, t151
pairs, t19, t155
parameterize, 395
parameters, 5
parent, t331
parent type, t325
parent-rtd, t331
pares, 447
pariah, 364
partition, t164
path-absolute?, 264
path-extension, 264
path-first, 264
path-last, 264
path-parent, 264
path-rest, 264
path-root, 264
pattern matching, 441
pattern variable, t294
pattern variables, t61, t299
patterns, t294
peek-char, t284
petite.boot, 24
petite?, 398
Petite Chez Scheme, 1, tix
pointer, 150
pointers, t4
por (parallel-or), 130, t424
port, t257
port-bol?, 223
port-closed?, 222
port-eof?, t278
port-file-compressed!, 226
port-file-descriptor, 229
port-handler, 219
port-has-port-length?, 224
port-has-port-nonblocking??, 225
port-has-port-position?, t271
port-has-set-port-length!?, 224
port-has-set-port-nonblocking!?, 225
port-has-set-port-position!?, t272
port-input-buffer, 219
port-input-count, 220
port-input-empty?, 220
port-input-index, 219
port-input-size, 219
port-length, 224
port-name, 223
port-nonblocking?, 225
port-output-buffer, 221
port-output-count, 222
port-output-full?, 222
port-output-index, 221
port-output-size, 221
port-position, t271
port-transcoder, t271
port?, t270
positive?, t173
predicate, 178
predicates, t8, t37, t143
prefix, 178
prefix import set, t346
prefix notation, t15, t16
pretty-file, 245
pretty-format, 246
pretty-initial-indent, 38, 248
pretty-line-length, 248
pretty-maximum-lines, 248
pretty-one-line-limit, 248
pretty-print, 245, 248, 256
pretty-standard-indent, 248
primitive procedures, t4
print-brackets, 256
print-char-name, 253
print-extended-identifiers, 4, 256
print-gensym, 153, 255
print-graph, 181, 253
print-length, 181, 254
print-level, 5, 254
print-precision, 258
print-radix, 255
print-record, 182
print-unicode, 258
print-vector-length, 4, 257
printf, 251, t401
procedure application, t16, t17, t21, t27, t107
procedure definition, t5, t31, t100
procedure-arity-mask, 187
procedure?, t155
procedures, t26, t91, t92
process, 57, 58
process ports, 270
product, t74, t80
profile, 369
profile-clear, 369, 370
profile-clear-database, 374
profile-dump, 365, 370, 371
profile-dump-data, 365, 371, 373
profile-dump-html, 365, 371
profile-dump-list, 365, 371, 372
profile-line-number-color, 372
profile-load-data, 365, 373
profile-palette, 371
profile-query-weight, 374
profile-release-counters, 369, 370
profiling, 23, 364
proper list, t19, t56, t155
property lists, 155
property-list, 156
protocol, t331
protocol for records, t326, t332
ptr, 63, 67
ptrdiff_t, 62, 66
put-bytevector, t279
put-bytevector-some, 242
put-char, t279
put-datum, t279, t397
put-hash-table!, 440
put-registry!, 399
put-source-table, 321, 323
put-string, t279
put-string-some, 242
put-u8, t278
putenv, 399
putprop, 155
putq!, t54
quadratic-formula, t48
quasiquote` ), t142
quasisyntax#` ), t305
question mark ( ? ), t8, t37
queue, t53
quote' ), t17, t22, t59, t141
quotient, t175
r5rs, 311
r5rs module, 311
r5rs-syntax, 311
r5rs-syntax module, 311
raise, t357
raise-continuable, t357
random, 208
random number generator, 208
random-seed, 208
rational numbers, t167
rational-valued?, t153
rational?, t151, t167
rationalize, t181
ratnum, 189, 190
ratnum?, 191
rcd, t332
read, 254, t284
read-char, t284
read-token, 236
real numbers, t167
real->flonum, t211
real-part, t182
real-time, 388
real-valued?, t153
real?, t151, t167
rec, 115, 441, t311
reciprocal, t15, t37, t39, t80
record equality, 168
record field ordinals, 183
record generativity, 173, t324
record hashing, 168
record inheritance, 173, 175, t325
record uid, t325
record-accessor, t334
record-case, 124
record-constructor, 184, t333
record-constructor descriptor, t332
record-constructor-descriptor, t333
record-constructor-descriptor?, 133
record-equal-procedure, 168, 170
record-field-accessible?, 184
record-field-accessor, 184
record-field-mutable?, 185, t338
record-field-mutator, 184
record-hash-procedure, 168, 171
record-mutator, t334
record-predicate, t333
record-reader, 179
record-rtd, t338
record-type descriptor, t331
record-type-descriptor, 186, t333
record-type-descriptor?, t332
record-type-equal-procedure, 168, 170
record-type-field-decls, 186
record-type-field-names, 185, t337
record-type-generative?, t337
record-type-hash-procedure, 168, 170
record-type-name, 185, t336
record-type-opaque?, t337
record-type-parent, t336
record-type-sealed?, t337
record-type-symbol, 185
record-type-uid, t336
record-writer, 180
record?, 186, t338
records, 124, 171, t323
recursion, t5, t41, t65, t114
recursion step, t41
recursive object, 115
recursive procedure, t41
reference, 150
register-signal-handler, 332
release-minimum-generation, 404
remainder, t175
remove, t163
remove!, 136
remove-foreign-entry, 93
remove-hash-table!, 440
remove-registry!, 399
remp, t163
remprop, 156
remq, t163
remq!, 136
remv, t44, t163
remv!, 136
rename, 310
rename import set, t346
rename-file, 263
require-nongenerative-clause, 167
reset, 377
reset-cost-center!, 394
reset-handler, 11, 377
reset-maximum-memory-bytes!, 389
retry, t75, t80
reverse, t161
reverse!, 137
Revised Reports, tix, t3
revisit, 340
revisit-compiled-from-port, 340
round, t178
round-robin, 130, t423
rtd, t331
run-cp0, 360
run-time generativity, 173
s (short), t169
s8-list->bytevector, 147
Sactivate_thread, 104
safety, 23
Sbignump, 96
Sboolean, 99
Sboolean_value, 97
Sbooleanp, 96
Sbox, 100
Sboxp, 96
Sbuild_heap, 95
Sbwp_object, 98
Sbwp_objectp, 96
Sbytevector_data, 98
Sbytevector_length, 97
Sbytevector_u8_ref, 98
Sbytevector_u8_set, 98
Sbytevectorp, 96
sc-expand, 349
Scall, 103
Scall0, 102
Scall1, 102
Scall2, 102
Scall3, 102
Scar, 97
Scdr, 97
Schar, 99
Schar_value, 97
Scharp, 96
scheme, 311
scheme module, 311
Scheme shell scripts, 20
Scheme standard, tix
scheme-environment, 333
scheme-object, 60, 63, 64, 66
scheme-program, 378
scheme-report-environment, 311, t137
scheme-script, 277, 378
scheme-start, 27, 28, 378
scheme-version, 398
scheme-version-number, 398
scheme.boot, 24
Scompact_heap, 95, 101, 401
Scons, 100
scope, t25
scripting, 20
Sdeactivate_thread, 104
Sdestroy_thread, 104
sealed, t331
sealed record type, t330
segment-length, t132
segment-slope, t132
self-evaluating-vectors, 143
semicolon ( ; ), t7, t455
Senable_expeditor, 95
Seof_object, 99
Seof_objectp, 96
sequence, t313
sequencing, t108
serious-condition?, t366
set!, 118, t47, t59, t102
set-binary-port-input-buffer!, 220
set-binary-port-input-index!, 220
set-binary-port-input-size!, 220
set-binary-port-output-buffer!, 221
set-binary-port-output-index!, 221
set-binary-port-output-size!, 221
set-box!, 151
set-car!, t157
set-cdr!, t56, t157
set-of, t389
set-port-bol!, 222
set-port-eof!, 223
set-port-input-buffer!, 220
set-port-input-index!, 220
set-port-input-size!, 220
set-port-length!, 224
set-port-name!, 224
set-port-nonblocking!, 225
set-port-output-buffer!, 221
set-port-output-index!, 221
set-port-output-size!, 221
set-port-position!, t272
set-sstats-bytes!, 391
set-sstats-cpu!, 391
set-sstats-gc-bytes!, 391
set-sstats-gc-count!, 391
set-sstats-gc-cpu!, 391
set-sstats-gc-real!, 391
set-sstats-real!, 391
set-textual-port-input-buffer!, 220
set-textual-port-input-index!, 220
set-textual-port-input-size!, 220
set-textual-port-output-buffer!, 221
set-textual-port-output-index!, 221
set-textual-port-output-size!, 221
set-time-nanosecond!, 382
set-time-second!, 382
set-time-type!, 382
set-timer, 128, 330
set-top-level-value!, 118
set-virtual-register!, 397
sets, t389
Sexactnump, 97
Sfalse, 98
Sfixnum, 99
Sfixnum_value, 97
Sfixnump, 96
Sflonum, 99
Sflonum_value, 97
Sflonump, 96
Sforeign_callable_code_object, 102
Sforeign_callable_entry_point, 102
Sforeign_symbol, 102
Sfxvector_length, 97
Sfxvector_ref, 98
Sfxvector_set, 98
Sfxvectorp, 96
Sgetenv, 100
shadowing, t4, t25, t31
shhh, t50
short, 62, 65
shorter, t41, t47
shorter?, t47
side effects, t8, t108
simple condition, t362
simple-conditions, t363
sin, t185
Sinexactnump, 96
single-float, 62, 64, 65
sinh, 211
Sinitframe, 103
Sinputportp, 97
sint-list->bytevector, t239
Sinteger, 99
Sinteger_value, 97
Sinteger32, 100
Sinteger32_value, 97
Sinteger64, 100
Sinteger64_value, 97
size_t, 62, 66
Skernel_version, 95
sleep, 387
Slock_object, 101, 413
Smake_bytevector, 100
Smake_fxvector, 100
Smake_string, 100
Smake_uninitialized_string, 100
Smake_vector, 100
Snil, 98
Snullp, 96
sockets, 105, 270
sort, 157, t387
sort!, 157
source objects, 315
source profiling, 364
source-condition-form, 326
source-condition?, 326
source-directories, 18, 338, 340, 341, 356
source-file descriptors, 316
source-file-descriptor, 319
source-file-descriptor-checksum, 319
source-file-descriptor-path, 319
source-file-descriptor?, 319
source-object-bfp, 318
source-object-column, 319
source-object-efp, 318
source-object-line, 318
source-object-sfd, 318
source-object?, 318
source-table-cell, 322
source-table-contains?, 322
source-table-delete!, 323
source-table-dump, 371
source-table-ref, 321, 322
source-table-set!, 321, 322
source-table-size, 323
source-table?, 322
Soutputportp, 97
Spairp, 96
special bindings (in Lisp), 116
split, t133
Sprocedurep, 96
Sput_arg, 103
sqrt, t183
square, t14
Sratnump, 97
Srecordp, 97
Sregister_boot_file, 95
Sregister_boot_file_fd, 95
Sregister_symbol, 102
Sretain_static_relocation, 95
Sscheme_deinit, 95
Sscheme_init, 95
Sscheme_program, 95
Sscheme_script, 95
Sscheme_start, 95
Sset_box, 98
Sset_car, 98
Sset_cdr, 98
Sset_top_level_value, 101
Sset_verbose, 95
ssize_t, 62, 66
sstats-bytes, 391
sstats-cpu, 391
sstats-difference, 391
sstats-gc-bytes, 391
sstats-gc-count, 391
sstats-gc-cpu, 391
sstats-gc-real, 391
sstats-print, 391
sstats-real, 391
sstats?, 391
Sstring, 99
Sstring_length, 97
Sstring_of_length, 99
Sstring_ref, 98
Sstring_set, 98
Sstring_to_symbol, 100
Sstring_utf8, 99
Sstringp, 96
Ssymbol_to_string, 97
Ssymbolp, 96
stack objects, t52
standard-error-port, 241, t264
standard-input-port, 232, t264
standard-output-port, 241, t264
static generation, 401
statistics, 390
Stop_level_value, 101
storage management, 401
streams, t128
stretch strings, 448
string, 60, 64, 68, t218
string input port, 228
string output port, 228
string streams, 213
string syntax, t458
string->bytevector, t287
string->immutable-string, 139, 141
string->list, t222
string->multibyte, 244
string->number, 212, t191
string->symbol, t242
string->utf16, t287
string->utf32, t287
string->utf8, t287
string-append, t219
string-ci-hash, t245
string-ci<=?, 139, t217
string-ci<?, 139, t217
string-ci=?, 139, t217
string-ci>=?, 139, t217
string-ci>?, 139, t217
string-copy, t219
string-copy!, 139
string-downcase, t221
string-fill!, t220
string-foldcase, t221
string-for-each, t122
string-hash, t245
string-length, t218
string-normalize-nfc, t222
string-normalize-nfd, t222
string-normalize-nfkc, t222
string-normalize-nfkd, t222
string-ref, t218
string-set!, t219
string-titlecase, t221
string-truncate!, 140
string-upcase, t221
string<=?, 139, t216
string<?, 139, t216
string=?, 139, t216
string>=?, 139, t216
string>?, 139, t216
string?, t38, t154
strings, t14, t216
strip-fasl-file, 26, 348
structured forms, t6
structures, 446, t318
Strue, 98
sub1, 209
subset-mode, 400
subst, 136
subst!, 136
substq, 136
substq!, 136
substring, t95, t220
substring-fill!, 140
substv, 136
substv!, 136
subtract-duration, 383
subtract-duration!, 383
sum, t65
Sunbox, 97
Sunlock_object, 101, 413
Sunlocked_objectp, 102
Sunsigned, 99
Sunsigned_value, 97
Sunsigned32, 100
Sunsigned32_value, 97
Sunsigned64, 100
Sunsigned64_value, 97
suppress-greeting, 379
Sutf8_to_wide, 100
Svector_length, 97
Svector_ref, 98
Svector_set, 98
Svectorp, 96
Svoid, 99
Swide_to_utf8, 100
symbol syntax, t458
symbol table, t241
symbol->string, t242
symbol-hash, t245
symbol-hashtable-cell, 166
symbol-hashtable-contains?, 165
symbol-hashtable-delete!, 167
symbol-hashtable-ref, 165
symbol-hashtable-set!, 165
symbol-hashtable-update!, 166
symbol-hashtable?, 164
symbol=?, t242
symbol?, t38, t154
symbols, t18, t241
synonym streams, 213
syntactic extensions, t5, t22, t59, t60, t291
syntactic forms, t18, t59, t291
syntax, t291
syntax#' ), t300
syntax object, t298
syntax violation, 4, t9
syntax->annotation, 317, 320
syntax->datum, t308
syntax->list, 295
syntax->vector, 296
syntax-case, 449, t291, t299
syntax-error, 299
syntax-object->datum, 296
syntax-rules, 295, t291, t294, t300, t389
syntax-violation, t359
syntax-violation-form, t370
syntax-violation-subform, t370
syntax-violation?, t370
system, 57
tagged lists, 124
tail call, t5, t68
tail recursion, t5, t68
tan, t185
tanh, 211
tconc, t53
tell, t50
templates, t295
textual port, t257
textual-port-input-buffer, 219
textual-port-input-count, 220
textual-port-input-index, 219
textual-port-input-size, 219
textual-port-output-buffer, 221
textual-port-output-count, 222
textual-port-output-index, 221
textual-port-output-size, 221
textual-port?, t270
The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition, ???, 1, 455
thread-condition?, 430
thread-safe primitives, 427
thread?, 428
threaded?, 398
threads, 427, t421
thunk, t51, t124
ticks, see engines
time, 388
time-difference, 383
time-difference!, 383
time-nanosecond, 382
time-second, 382
time-type, 382
time-utc->date, 387
time<=?, 383
time<?, 383
time=?, 383
time>=?, 383
time>?, 383
time?, 382
timed preemption, 127, t421
timer interrupts, 330, t425
timer-interrupt-handler, 330
tokens, t455
top-level definitions, t30, t101
top-level programs, 14, 21, t343
top-level values, 117
top-level-bound?, 118
top-level-mutable?, 119
top-level-program, 278, 279
top-level-programs, 17, 22, 275, 279
top-level-syntax, 120
top-level-syntax?, 121
top-level-value, 118
trace, 36, t42
trace-case-lambda, 34
trace-define, 38
trace-define-syntax, 39
trace-do, 35
trace-lambda, 33
trace-let, 34
trace-output-port, 38
trace-print, 38
tracing, t42
transcoded-port, t271
transcoder, t257
transcoder-codec, t259
transcoder-eol-style, t259
transcoder-error-handling-mode, t259
transcoder?, 218
transcript, 379
transcript ports, 266
transcript-cafe, 380
transcript-off, 380
transcript-on, 380
transformer, t61
tree-copy, t44
true, t7, t36
truncate, t177
truncate-file, 243
truncate-port, 243
two-way ports, 265
two-way streams, 213
type predicates, t38
type-descriptor, 179
u16*, 60, 63, 67
u32*, 60, 63
u8*, 60, 63, 67
u8-list->bytevector, t232
uint-list->bytevector, t239
unbox, 151
undefined-variable-warnings, 363
undefined-violation?, t371
underscore ( _ ), t61, t296, t315
underscore (_), t294
unget-char, 234
unget-u8, 235
unification, t417
unify, t418
uninterned symbols, 154
uninterned-symbol?, 154
Unix, 93
unless, t64, t112
unlock-object, 101, 414
unquote, ), t142
unquote-splicing,@ ), t142
unread-char, 234
unregister-guardian, 412, 433
unsigned, 62, 65
unsigned long, 62, 66
unsigned short, 62, 65
unsigned-16, 61, 65
unsigned-32, 61, 65
unsigned-64, 61, 65
unsigned-8, 61, 65
unsigned-int, 62, 66
unsigned-long-long, 62, 66
unspecified, 4, t9
unsyntax#, ), t305
unsyntax-splicing#,@ ), t305
untrace, 37
unwind-protect (in Lisp), t124
uptr, 62, 66
utf-16, t257
utf-16-codec, 217, t259
utf-16be, 60, 64, 67
utf-16be-codec, 217
utf-16le, 60, 64, 67
utf-16le-codec, 217
utf-32be, 60, 64, 67
utf-32le, 60, 64, 67
utf-8, 60, 63, 67
utf-8, t257
utf-8-codec, t259
utf16->string, t288
utf32->string, t288
utf8->string, t287
values, t130, t131
variable binding, t23, t91
variable definition, 113
variable reference, t91
variables, t4, t18, t23, t30, t47
vector, t224
vector printing, 257
vector syntax, t461
vector->immutable-vector, 141, 143
vector->list, t225
vector-cas!, 142
vector-copy, 141
vector-fill!, t225
vector-for-each, t122
vector-length, t224
vector-map, t121
vector-ref, t224
vector-set!, t225
vector-set-fixnum!, 142
vector-sort, t226
vector-sort!, t226
vector?, t154
vectors, t55, t223, t383
verify-loadability, 339
violation?, t366
virtual-register, 397
virtual-register-count, 397
visit, 340
visit-compiled-from-port, 339
void, 4, 64, 65, 157
void object, 4
void*, 62, 66
waiter, 374
waiter-prompt-and-read, 376
waiter-prompt-string, 375
waiter-write, 376
warning, 325
warning?, t367
warningf, 326
wchar, 63, 66
wchar_t, 63, 66
weak pairs, 405
weak pointers, 405
weak-cons, 406
weak-pair?, 407
when, 442, t64, t112
whitespace, t455
whitespace characters, t7
who-condition?, t369
winders, see dynamic-wind
with, 443, 445
with-cost-center, 393
with-exception-handler, t360
with-implicit, 297
with-input-from-file, 231, t283
with-input-from-string, 228
with-interrupts-disabled, 331, 403
with-mutex, 429
with-output-to-file, 240, t283
with-output-to-string, 229
with-profile-tracker, 321, 370, 371
with-source-path, 356
with-syntax, t304
write, t284, t397
write-char, t285
wstring, 60
x++, t316
zero?, t173

Chez Scheme Version 9 User's Guide
Copyright © 2022 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (full copyright notice.).
Revised April 2022 for Chez Scheme Version 9.5.8
about this book